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What You Need and Why

Below is a guide to what you need to bring with you on the trip if joining one of our led walks. It's not a definitive list, but gives you an idea of what to expect.

Good footwear: Most of our walks will involve various combinations of footpaths, bridleways, tracks, roads, rocks and lumpy boggy moorland. You need to have the right footwear to protect your feet.

Food for lunch: Bring along food and a snack for later. In all probability you'll be in the middle of nowhere at lunch time so you'll need a packed lunch to avoid having to watch everyone else eat theirs. You may also want to hold something in reserve for the return journey.

Water or similar: You could (if you're lucky) be spending a few hours walking in glorious sunshine so you'll need fluids.

Waterproof clothing: You're from East Lancashire, you shouldn't need reminding about this!

Warm clothing: All our destinations have the potential to be a bit chilly, especially if the wind gets up. It's wise to always have a fleece, hat and gloves in your rucksack.

If you've forgotten to bring something then just say. Someone on the walk will be able to loan you a hat, pair of gloves, cup of coffee, etc. at a (relatively) reasonable rate of interest!
